Tuesday, January 6, 2009


7" X 11" baking pan
powdered sugar
6 packages of knox gelatin
1/2 cup water
2 cups sugar
1/2 c water
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp vanilla

1 Dissolve gelatin in 1/2 cup of water and set aside

2 Dust baking pan with powdered sugar covering all sides.

3 In a sauce pan bring 1/2 c of water and 2 cups of sugar to a full boil for 3 minutes.

4 Remove from heat and gently wisk in dissolved gelatin. Wisk slowly so it does not foam, otherwise it will be hard to see when the gelatin is all dissolved.

5 Pour mixture into mixing bowl, add salt, vanilla and mix until it has doubled and the mixture starts to form a large ball around the mixer blades. At this point it is very sticky.

6 Use a rubber spatula to place mixture into the dusted baking pan, spread it out until it is an even thickness.

7 Let set up for about 4 hours then using a table knife pry marshmallow edges away from the pan. You then should be able to remove the entire sheet of marshmallows and cut them into squares with scissors. Dust lightly with powdered sugar once they have been cut.

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